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Оur highly-honored maculalogists and MACULAphiles!

Dearest retinologists and partners feeling sympathy to them!

Our dear colleagues!

With a deep sorrow and hopeless frustration, the organizing committee of "MACULA-2021" is regret to inform you that the meeting is postponed again due to circumstances that are beyond our control and due to growing(!) Covid-cordon restrictions.

Since a long time ago we have made an agreement, that on-line format is not about "MAKULA~on the Don", and we always have it "live", "eye to eye" and with open smiles towards each other, our pleasant meeting at round tables in Rostov (August 20) are to be postponed again (((

The delay is until spring 2022 (May 20-22) – if God wills!

We are returning the registration fees! We are saving the program (at least for 70-75%).

In case you would like to supplement your report with "up-to-date" data – you are welcome! In case you decide to change the subject, please send us the new report – according the ordinary rules – for “blind” evaluation of the organizing committee.

All this is until February 13, 2022.

Other details you will find on our website (interyuna.ru) no later than in autumn 2021.

Sincerely yours                                                        

=Yuriy and a disappointed organizing committee

But we are not discouraged! We’ll anyway survive!!!


9th All-Russian (and foreign) seminar MACULA-2021

(round-table discussions, lobbies and backstage)

May 21-23, 2021, Rostov-on-Don (arrival of participants on May 19-20, 2021)

Reserve dates (in case the quarantine cordons are preserved) - August 20-22.

(decision to postpone is to be made until April 1 ± 1 week.)

«A peck of salt»... in laser microsurgery – Rostov school of laser microsurgery of eye celebrates

The 30th anniversary of YUNA partnership. MACULA conference celebrates l8 years.

Dear colleagues!

We are glad to invite you to take part in the 9th All-Russian (and foreign) seminar-round table

MACULA-2021, which will take place on May 21-23, 2021 (or August 20-22?) in Rostov-on-Don.

The seminar is carried out by the Rostov InterYUNA eye clinic (Congress-hotel Don-Plaza, 115, B.

Sadovaya str.) – as usual.

Scientific part:

In general the subject and emphases of round table-discussion are the same: absolutely everything related to any diseases of macula, fovea, foveola –pathogenesis, clinic, treatment, systematization, etc.

  • Selected parts of fundamental works in (patho-) morphology and (patho-) physiology of macula. Neurolinguistics and neuroiconics. Vision and stress. An eye in zero gravity.
  • Precise methods of macula functions evaluation. Problems of reliable and correct prediction of recovery of visual functions after treatment. Color vision testing.
  • Central serous chorioretinopathy – treatment without fluorescence angiography? A biased myth or a desired perspective?
  • Maculopathies: myopic, diabetic, age-related. Principles and methods of treatment.
  • New nuances in surgery treatment of macular pathology.
  • The role, place and development trends of ''classical'' laser coagulation: principles, tactics. Other methods of laser treatment.
  • Pharmacotherapy of macula pathology (antiVEGF- and other medicines): principles, efficiency, problems, complications. Necessity and motivation of antiVEGF-monotherapy.
  • Rehabilitation of the lost retinal functions. Opportunities and forecasts.
  • Multifocal and other types of intraocular lenses in macula pathologies.
  • Maculopathies (or their recurrences), induced by surgical interference – after refractive, cataract, vitreous and other types of surgery.
  • Some clinical observations (demonstrations, review of opinions), 'relax-warm-ups' and 'retinologist's relaxes'. Fovea-on-Don-2021 Video-festival.

The network of 7 Round Tables supposes to discuss more than 30 reports of leading scientists.

More than a third of these are reports and microlectures by our colleagues from Western

Europe and Northern America.

Abstracts of the reports are admitted until February 25

(The program of round tables for ¾ have been formed by May 2020, but the admission of new

reports is still open - until February 25)

Requirements for the articles:


An article can be written in a relatively free style, and preferably certified by signature of the scientific supervisor and the seal of institution. Be sure to provide digital media (CD, DVD) or sent it by e-mail in Microsoft Word format with the extension of DOC or RTF. Volume is up to 3 pages A4 (including references). The text should be typed with one font (Times New Roman, size 14) without equalization

and transfers of words and printed at 1,5 line interval and 2 cm fields from each side. List of literature and References – "petit".

The article should contain a summary in English of up to 1.5 thousand signs.

The article should be accompanied by photos arranged electronically: 1) a portrait of the speaker; 2) photos of all the co-authors together – for the presentation in the conference room before the report.

The photo style is free, (resolution of the photos is at least 1024 x 768)

Presentation of reports is to be standard (multimedia format: Power Point 2007, 2010, 2013, PDF), but all the inscriptions on the slides should have a translation into English, filled with other color (eg. the entire English text in yellow). Poor quality translation of the summary can be the basis of law rating in

"blindly" expert evaluation of reports by the organizing committee.

Besides, the organizing committee does not exclude, that a part of the reports (no more than 30), which were not ranked by the organizing committee into those discussed during the round tables, and having the ‘random’ points close to the passing level, could be presented as a stand presentation, and the best of them can be presented and discussed at the last day of MACULA seminar. Apart from everything, any seminar participant has an opportunity to express in advance his/her preference between a public and stand report, leaving the right for final choice to the organizing committee.

Articles are accepted to the organizing committee until February 25, 2021

Articles sent after, or not meeting the requirements below, will be considered under special procedure, but ... you still have an opportunity to participate in the discussions of the round tables.

Article format:

Name of author(-s), scientific degree, academic rank.

Title of the article (in lowercase except the first letter).

The full name of the medical institution, city.

Text of article (up to 3 pages).

Reference numbers should match the numbers in the list of literature.

Articles should to be sent to the following address: Russia, 344058, Rostov-on-Don, Stachki, 148, eye clinic "InterYUNA» marked "MACULA-2018." Or (better) by e-mail macula@interyuna.ru marked "for the collection."

Your letter should contain:

Your full address, contact telephone numbers, e-mail address.